
Allied Meditec MedLite Portable Anaesthesia System

The Allied Meditec MedLite Portable Anaesthesia System is a highly functional and versatile solution that combines a lightweight and compact design with an array of advanced features. This system is purposefully crafted to deliver efficient and high-quality patient care in surgical environments where space is at a premium. It proves to be particularly valuable in clinics, ambulances, disaster response situations, emergencies, veterinary clinics, and remote locations.

The intuitive design of the Allied Meditec MedLite ensures ease of handling and operation, allowing healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients seamlessly. This system excels in performance, efficiency, and safety, enabling medical practitioners to optimize their workflow and ensure the well-being of their patients. With its extensive features and capabilities, the Allied Meditec MedLite portable Anaesthesia system represents a reliable and effective solution for delivering anesthesia in constrained spaces.

  • Ease of use and superior functionality
  • Suitable for adult and pediatric patients
  • Flowmeters for Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide
  • Anti Hypoxic guard, integrated selectatec manifold
  • Integrated selectatec anifold
  • NIST pipeline inlets for Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide
  • Selectatec manifold mounting of temperature and flow compensated type vaporiser